Well well… there have been rumors floating around since a while, and seems pictures are leaking onto the internet now. Looks like Sony Ericsson is getting ready for a new Xperiance. Personally, i love my Xperia and its metallic look, but this one looks promising too (though only a 3.1 megapixel camera again!): (Pictures taken from Engadget and fanklub.se)
I hope this is true, because this camera sucks monkey dick! And on the picure you can clearly see two speakers.. So i hope they pumped up the audio system! :P The X1 speaker is a discrase for HTC (Since HTC build the device).. My old HTC 730 (but also the 740) have an amazing loud speaker. I would like to see this also on the X2.
If the case also would't break that often then i would have my dream phone! :P:P
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