Rotastrain at XDA Dev Forums is cooking up a neat modification for TouchFlo 3D – Hyper Fluid, a vertical slider. They idea is to hide the Touch Flo slider at the bottom to provide more space on-screen while using Hyper to switch through tabs. Though not released yet and no indication as to when it will actually be released, but you can get a quick overview from the following video:
Now who was it that insisted that Xperia lacked a 3D chip? Thanks to itje for basing his latest Custom ROM on the leaked R3AA ROM and seperately providing CABs to some of the goodies available in the new ROM version, you can get your hands on ‘Xtrakt’ - a new 3D game by Sony Ericsson – right now! The game has really great graphics and runs quite smoothly on the device. Though it warns not to run any other applications when playing the game, it ran just fine with SPB Screenshot running besides it. Best controlled with a stylus, you control the main character of the game on a future motorcycle destroying monsters. Doesn’t sound too appealing, i know, but the game is actually good! Better than many games that i’ve played on my iPhone and opens the door to better gaming on Windows Mobile. (True that an accelerometer would have been quite handy in handling the bike, but stylus/finger control of the bike sits well with the game). To download head on here . You do not need to flash to th...
thx for the help