UPDATE: Click here.
When i had initially posted about PointUI Phone, i liked it a lot. But having used it over the last few days, there are some major issues. The main ones are;
- You can’t use numbers such as *161*01010101010101010# – something that we have here to recharge balance - or *100# - to check balance. Normally, when you hit the talk button you get the result to the command, but in case of using PointUI Phone, the interface forces itself on top not allowing you to actually see the result.
- Keypad supposedly has intelligent T9 capabilities, but surprise! surprise! Apparently, when you are searching for someone, you only get a list of two people. There is no scrolling of contacts from the dial-pad screen! For instance, i have more than 3 people in my contacts with Shahid in their name. When searching for a specific one, i realized i couldn’t use the *intelligent* T9 capabilities ‘coz it only listed two numbers for me to select from rather than all matches.
- No alphabet slider in the contacts list to quickly jump to a specific name.
- When you launch PointUI Phone, it takes over the system’s default keypad. In my case the HTC Keypad. However if i close out PointUI Phone, the original keypad doesn’t function properly anymore. In my case, for some reason, it reverts to the default X1 keypad rather than the HTC Keypad and not just that but T9 searching doesn’t work on the X1 Keypad as well as other minor issues. A soft-reset of the device brings back the HTC Keypad and everything functions normally.
Bottom line is; though it is a nice and refreshing dialpad, it most definitely is not in a state to be set as the default dialer in its current release. Hopefully we will see some major improvements in the near future. So, if you want to test this out, please proceed with caution! (The opinion expressed in this post is mine, and only mine, based on my experience with the software)