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An Official Goodbye!

Well Xperiancers,

Although I had started to play with my X1 again by trying out Android builds on it and other new ROMs and software – yes! yes! I had intended to blog about them but before I could do so, an interested buyer got successful in prying the X1 away from my hands! Yes, you heard that right: I’ve sold off my X1 to someone who probably won’t know much of what to do with it… Smile


With that… Good luck to you all! Good bye! And for those who might be interested in Windows Phone 7 or who might already own a Windows Phone 7 device, I’m thinking of starting a blog on that within a week or so, so keep an eye out!

P.s. if any one of you Xperiancers think you can keep this blog alive with interesting and new posts now and again, then shoot me an email at and I’ll consider adding you as an author on the blog or might just transfer it over to you.


timur said…
I'm kinda new for X1. I bought it second hand from someone. and i love to see your blog although i kinda late to follow it since you closed it already. :(
I really curious bout the X1 like:

1. will i lose the X1 panel if i install new roms 6.5? i had an Omnia i900 before someone stole it. Aargh.. It has different themes that i dont find in X1 and like SPB i downloaded in omnia dont work in X1 (it needs different file although it has the same OS). so from then i havent installed it...

2. lately i installed android 2.2 although it's not a perfect rom i really like it. i was hoping i could see it in your blog and all i see is a farewell from you buddy.. :(

hmm, well everybody got to move on i guess... goodluck with your new phone.