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ShapeWriter for Windows Mobile

Update: WVGA version now released.

Yippee! It is here finally! Unfortunately, not for Xperia, yet. Read on…

ShapeWriter, the award winning keyboard solution for iPhone is now available for Windows Mobile devices (and several other platforms) as well. It’s award winning technology elevates touch screen devices to new levels of usability. Instead of “hunting and pecking” letters, single gestures on a touch keyboard produce an entire word. For example: a stroke that roughly connects the w, o, r and d keys is recognized by ShapeWriter’s intelligent algorithms as the word “word”. Experienced users can write much faster on ShapeWriter than on a conventional keyboard.

ShapeWriter products run in real time on mobile devices and feature advanced editing, automatic formatting and capitalization, error tolerance, misspelling correction, and gesture commands.

ShapeWriter 1.0 on Windows Mobile is a system-wide input method supporting all standard software applications on Windows Mobile and Pocket PC 2003.

I installed the VGA version on my Xperia earlier today, and all i can say is that this keyboard is simply AMAZING! I tried so many words and it barely missed any, and it lets you select from other possible choices in an easy manner if the automatically selected word was not the intended one.

‘But Wait!’, you say? I know i said that this keyboard doesn’t work for Xperia and here is why. It works in Portrait mode, but as soon as you go into Landscape mode and try to open the on-screen keyboard, it goes crazy and Windows reverts back to the original default windows on-screen keyboard instead.

I have already e-mailed the guys as ShapeWriter about this and have also asked if a full WVGA version will soon be available or not. Let us keep our fingers crossed.


To get more info and to try it out yourself, head over to the ShapeWriter Web-site.


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