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Xperia – Software Update

Update: Generic UK ROM has been updated.

What? ‘Software Update’? Did you read it right?

The answer is YES! After much debate against Sony Ericsson for not releasing any patches or updates since the release of Xperia, we finally have an update coming our way. PavelX1 at XDA Forums is uploading all the new ROMs onto Rapidshare for us to download.

What changes, enhancements, and fixes does this R2 version of the software update include? That is a thing of mystery at the moment. But let’s hope that it is everything everyone hoped for and more!

To download or for more info, go here.

FYI – In case someone is wondering where PavelX1 is getting these updated files from; he reports that he is using EMMA which is an official SE service software for service centers.


Note: The update is also reported to be available via Sony Ericsson Update Service (SEUS).

Update List (Updated Feb 1): Here are some things that i have noticed so far with this update.

Note: Are you satisfied with the ROM update? Do you agree with all the points/improvements i have listed below? Head over here to cast your vote.

  • The device now boots faster.
  • Faster menus - switching tabs in settings is quicker.
  • Programs launch quicker and file explorer is quick in loading folders.
  • The Vodafone ROM update (not sure if others have this) includes a couple of other additional trial games including Bubble Bash, Block Breaker Deluxe, and Tetris Mania.
  • Bluetooth Problem reported to be fixed. (I didn’t face any bluetooth problems with the old software and am not facing any now.)
  • Wi-Fi bug fixed.
  • Panel animation is a bit smoother but still laggy on switching from portrait to landscape and vice versa. Overall a faster panels experience.
  • Video playback has improved a lot! CP benchmark on a video resulted in 90-92% on the old ROM and is now increased to 98%.
  • Word prediction in most text-boxes.
  • Media Panel improvements including; music indexing is a lot faster, image scrolling is almost as smooth as it should be, changing tracks show information about the track at the bottom of the screen, and most importantly it now only shows pictures from the My Pictures and Camera folders on the main and internal storage – say goodbye to all those images from program files and windows showing up.
  • Camera improvements include faster focus lock and more stable focus. Preview is also smoother and introduces a new setting letting you define the frame rate to use for the video to shoot.
  • Furthermore, I think they updated the 3D drivers too. TouchFlo 3D is running way smooth - especially the Pictures and Media tabs! (flicking through pictures and music is quick and smooth) + Slide2Play is performing much better with this new updated ROM; quicker and smoother movement in landscape, switches album/song images correctly on song change, and so on.


Here is the device information before and after the update:


  • Rom Version: 1.02.931.3
  • Rom Date: 08/29/08
  • Radio Version:
  • Protocol Version:
  • Software Id: 1213-6450
  • Software Version: R1AA017
  • Customization ID: 1215-1832
  • Customization Version: R15A
  • Customization Variant: Genric_UK


After (Updated to Vodafone UK R2 ROM)

  • Rom Version:
  • Rom Date: 12/12/08
  • Radio Version:
  • Protocol Version:
  • ExtPkg Version: 1.0.1039.11446
  • Software ID: 1213-2276
  • Software Version: R2AA007
  • Customization ID: 1215-0285
  • Customization Version: R18A
  • Customization Variant: VFE_UK
  • Content Version: PA10


After (Updated to Generic UK R2 ROM)

  • ROM Version: 1.03.931.8
  • ROM Date: 12/21/08
  • Software version: R2AA008


Melk said…
Good to know that they DO something, but I expected more.
msalmank said…
I don't know what more they could have done? Well, improved panel performance a bit more maybe...

Oh yes... and some new Panels! Hopefully we'll see some panels hit their site soon... (Wishful thinking!)
Unknown said…
I'm a n00b at this

1. I'm on an o2 contract, will the generic r2a work with my phone? or will it cause problems.

2. once i have the .rom what do i do to install it?
msalmank said…
Hi ColonelC81,

Before i say anything, let me first warn you that i am pretty much a noob myself - Xperia is my first-ever Windows Mobile device. So though i am about to give you my opinion, i ask you to proceed with caution. (this caution applies only to the first question you asked... ;)

1. In my opinion, installing the Generic UK ROM R2 release onto your previously O2 R1 ROM should cause no issues at all. you will simply need to configure your 3G/GPRS settings for your O2 network, other than that, it should function as it is - infact much better than the O2 ROM as operator specific ROMs contain a bunch of operator specific software and settings that tend to slow down things a little. I myself have been using the Vodafone UK ROM since the last few days with my Warid PK network!

2. To install... follow the procedure:

a. Download ROM Image from the links provided in the post.
b. If ZIP/RAR file then unzip/unrar file to your desired location.
c. Check the extension of the extracted file. If it is .image then change it to .nbh.
d. Rename the file to Kovsimg. So now the file-name with extension should be Kovsimg.nbh.
e. Connect your Xperia to your PC/Laptop.
f. Copy the Kovsimg.nbh file to your Xperia's MicroSD Card's root folder.
g. Shut Down Xperia.
h. First hold the volume down key and with that pressed, press the power button.
i. Keep both buttons pressed and Xperia will boot up into a screen with colored lines.
j. It will automatically detect your NBH file on the memory card. If prompted for confirmation to update, let it update. (Yes! you can release the buttons)

Best of Luck!
Unknown said…
hey, here's the thing, i am totally new at this and i know nothing about updating firmwares...well i managed to check and my device info corresponds to these:
Rom Version: 1.02.931.3
Rom Date: 08/29/08
Radio Version:
Protocol Version:
Software Id: 1213-6450
Software Version: R1AA017
Customization ID: 1215-1832
Customization Version: R15A
Customization Variant: Genric_UK

i went to but i dont know which file to download and i believe if/when i get the file iam supposed to do this:
"a. Download ROM Image from the links provided in the post.
b. If ZIP/RAR file then unzip/unrar file to your desired location.
c. Check the extension of the extracted file. If it is .image then change it to .nbh.
d. Rename the file to Kovsimg. So now the file-name with extension should be Kovsimg.nbh.
e. Connect your Xperia to your PC/Laptop.
f. Copy the Kovsimg.nbh file to your Xperia's MicroSD Card's root folder.
g. Shut Down Xperia.
h. First hold the volume down key and with that pressed, press the power button.
i. Keep both buttons pressed and Xperia will boot up into a screen with colored lines.
j. It will automatically detect your NBH file on the memory card. If prompted for confirmation to update, let it update. (Yes! you can release the buttons)"
.....yeah and for the record iam from Pakistan and use Warid Telecom(basically unlocked phones) if someone could kindly tell me the exact file to download and all...

P.S. will all my data (contacts, pictures, softwares etc) be deleted when i upgrade?
msalmank said…
Hi Ammar,

You have R1A version of the Generic UK ROM - i.e. the first version of the ROM. You need to download the Generic UK ROM R2A version. Here is the direct RapidShare link to that ROM:

FYI - I am living in (Lahore) Pakistan too and have a Warid number. I used the Vodafone UK ROM before and after the Generic UK ROM became available, i flashed to that. So upgrade to this without worry.

ALSO... All data from the device will be wiped, including telephone numbers, SMS, and so on... (i.e. all data on the internal memory will be wiped out, the microSD card - if you have that inserted - won't be touched). You can easily backup all your telephone numbers using PIM Backup or HTC Backup (both free) to backup your contacts and other information. Or if you want to do a more extensive backup, then use a software such as SPB Backup or Resco Backup.

Best of luck!
Unknown said…
thanks for your input,bro two more thing,first is the installation process the same (one i mentioned)? and second what about the preinstalled applications? all like office word, opera, basically every application that comes with the already installed firmware (out of the box i.e.)? and i have my contacts and all syncd with my pc outlook, so i'll restore from there....its just about all the preinstalled apps i am concerned about...thankyou once agian..
msalmank said…
Yes... the procedure you are pointing to is how you do it. Secondly, the pre-installed apps will all be there... you won't loose those. (You will need to re-install every application that you installed yourself onto the device...)
Mesud Peco said…
Hi M.Salman.K!
Please help! Can I install this update and expect some improvement in function?
My device information is:
ROM version: 1.03.931.6
ROM date: 12/09/08
Radio version:
Protocol version:
ExtPkg version: 1.0.64212.11423
Software Id: 1213-6450
Software version: R2AA006
Customization Id: 1215-1832
Customization V... R20A
Customization V... GENERIC_UK
Content Version PA10

I live in Croatia, I have some croatian letters on my phone(but I don't realy need them), my operator is VIP Hrvatska(Croatia).
Thanks !
Mesud Peco
msalmank said…
Hi Mesud,

Though you already seem to have the R2 release of the Generic ROM, you definitely have an earlier version of the ROM and not what is now released.

For example, i flashed to the Generic UK ROM earlier today and here is the comparison between your and my devices' information...

Your ROM Version: 1.03.931.6
My ROM Version: 1.03.931.8

Ur ROM Date: 12/09/08
My ROM Date: 12/21/08

Ur Software Version: R2AA006
My Software version: R2AA008


In light of that, i believe that you have a leaked or pre-release R2 version of the ROM flashed onto your Xperia. Thus you can definitely expect some further improvements on updating to the latest Generic UK ROM. Since your ROM seems to be a pre-release or a leaked one, it is most likely that it is not functioning even half as better as the final GenericUK ROM.

Best of luck!
msalmank said…
Guys... if you have trouble connecting to GPRS or 3G networks after updating, make sure to check this post out:
Unknown said…
Hi M.Salman.K!

i am great fan of your blog:) and xperia user too:) tried to plug in for seus but it stated that is already up to date and no update rom is available for now furthermore there are no options to countinue the installation(any idea how?)
my question is , if i downloaded the file to my phone does it necessary have to save in memory card instead of the phone itself? whats the diff? and where can i save the file if its in phone?

will be much appreciated if i can get your reply soon :) thanks in advanced !!!!
msalmank said…
Hi N※M,

Thanks for the appreciation... hopefully i'll be contributing to the blog on a regular basis for as long as i have the Xperia.

Though i haven't tried updating via SEUS myself, but those who have run into the same problem as yours with SEUS (of it not identifying there to be a newer version), they have reported to have proceed anyways - i.e. tell SEUS to flash using the current version. This supposedly results in it flashing to the updated ROM.

I would however recommend downloading the ROM file yourself and flashing it onto your Xperia. Although i am not certain if placing the NBH file into the Internal memory would work, i don't see why it wouldn't either. My guess would be to place it in the Root of the internal storage.

If however it fails to pick up the ROM NBH from internal memory, and you don't have a MicroSD with you, then you can use the ROM Update Utility (RUU) to flash the new ROM onto your Xperia via your PC/Laptop.

Best of luck!
Unknown said…
Hey M.Salman,

Thanks !

got everything in order! my next challenge would be install the 3d touch flo to the xperia , well, found the thread of yours on steps of installing the touch flo, hopefully it works !!!

Thanks again!

Amir said…
Help! I tried updating to the Generic UK R2 ROM and after about 90% the update stopped. It said "update failed" update terminate. I had the generic UK R1 ROM installed before. now my xperia wont start, everytime i click on the power button, the screen with the colored lines appears and the installation process starts all over again only to terminate again at 90%.
msalmank said…
@Amir - Connect your phone via the USB to the PC, or simply connect the MicroSD card using a card reader. Delete the previous image file you copied, and then try flashing to the UK R1 ROM using the R1 ROM NBH image. Once you get that up, try the R2 ROM again - this time maybe try the vodafone UK ROM instead.
msalmank said…
@Nic - Always a pleasure! Best of luck installing TF3D.
Unknown said…
OK! i was here to ask a question and amir's post really freaked me out....Salman i am downloadin the the rom file you told me before i update there are a couple of things i want to confirm...i've got spb backup so if something happens (like what happened to amir) can my phone be restored using the backup file? plus i was reading the xda forum and it said something about spl and hardspl, those things dont concern me coz iam not using a "cooked rom" right? and yeah it said something about formating the MicroSD before i need to do that?
i am sorry for being a pain but as i told earlier i dunno jack***t about updatin, and i got the x1 as my graduation gift so i dun want to screw it up...:(
msalmank said…
@Ammar - I don't think you need to worry about Amir's situation. That is the first time i've heard it happen, and i am positive that using a different ROM image or re-downloading the same one would fix the problem. If not, then RUU would definitely help. As far as SPB Backup is concerned... i am not 100% positive if it would work in Amir's case, but there probably is a method to restore the phone via a PC using SPB Backup's PC module.

In regards to HardSPL... you don't need to worry about that since you are not using a custom ROM. And NO! You do not have to format the MicroSD card prior to copying the NBH file onto it or anything. Just put the NBH file into the root of the card and you should be good to go.

Best Regards.
Unknown said…
Salman Bhaiiiii! lol....thankyou so much for your help! the update worked perfectly, and i am up to date!
Thankyou! Cheers!
msalmank said…
@Ammar - Glad to have helped. :)
Unknown said…
I was biting my nails all along but it worked as advertised and THANK YOU!!!

Ironically I was having a problem where my data connection would not work, now it works fine.
msalmank said…
@Jerry - Glad you got upgraded! :)
Adge said…
I've upgraded to the R2 ROM, and am on O2, but can't get my data connection to work at all.

How did you get it to connect ?
DavidGaleUK said…
Maybe worth bearing in mind that, if you're going from Voda to generic, you will need to hard SPL. Even then I had to frig it by starting the phone independently and then quickly going thru SPL screens until it came to the transfer. Worth doing, if a little scary!
Seven Xperia Roms with tutorial on how to flash and related softwares.
Waseem said…
Like the update...It will definitely work perfectly..Thanks you share it.
Church Software

Hank Hendricks is a sports man and has played for the University of New Hampshire Foot ball team.

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